Target: Sofa.GL.Component.Shader
namespace: sofa::gl::component::shader
- OglShader
Name | Description | Default value |
name | object name | unnamed |
printLog | if true, emits extra messages at runtime. | 0 |
tags | list of the subsets the objet belongs to | |
bbox | this object bounding box | |
componentState | The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). | Undefined |
listening | if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events | 0 |
enable | Display the object or not | 1 |
turnOn | Turn On the shader? | 1 |
passive | Will this shader be activated manually or automatically? | 0 |
fileVertexShaders | Set the vertex shader filename to load | [ 'shaders/toonShading.vert' ] |
fileFragmentShaders | Set the fragment shader filename to load | [ 'shaders/toonShading.frag' ] |
fileGeometryShaders | Set the geometry shader filename to load | |
fileTessellationControlShaders | Set the tessellation control filename to load | |
fileTessellationEvaluationShaders | Set the tessellation evaluation filename to load | |
geometryInputType | Set input types for the geometry shader | -1 |
geometryOutputType | Set output types for the geometry shader | -1 |
geometryVerticesOut | Set max number of vertices in output for the geometry shader | -1 |
tessellationOuterLevel | For tessellation without control shader: default outer level (edge subdivisions) | 1 |
tessellationInnerLevel | For tessellation without control shader: default inner level (face subdivisions) | 1 |
indexActiveShader | Set current active shader | 0 |
backfaceWriting | it enables writing to gl_BackColor inside a GLSL vertex shader | 0 |
clampVertexColor | clamp the vertex color between 0 and 1 | 1 |
Name | Description | Destination type name |
context | Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) | BaseContext |
slaves | Sub-objects used internally by this object | BaseObject |
master | nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects | BaseObject |