Generic visual model for OpenGL display
- Vec3d
Target: Sofa.GL.Component.Rendering3D
namespace: sofa::gl::component::rendering3d
- VisualModelImpl
Name | Description | Default value |
name | object name | unnamed |
printLog | if true, emits extra messages at runtime. | 0 |
tags | list of the subsets the objet belongs to | |
bbox | this object bounding box | |
componentState | The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). | Undefined |
listening | if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events | 0 |
enable | Display the object or not | 1 |
initRestPositions | True if rest positions must be initialized with initial positions | 0 |
useNormals | True if normal smoothing groups should be read from file | 1 |
updateNormals | True if normals should be updated at each iteration | 1 |
computeTangents | True if tangents should be computed at startup | 0 |
updateTangents | True if tangents should be updated at each iteration | 1 |
handleDynamicTopology | True if topological changes should be handled | 1 |
fixMergedUVSeams | True if UV seams should be handled even when duplicate UVs are merged | 1 |
keepLines | keep and draw lines (false by default) | 0 |
vertPosIdx | If vertices have multiple normals/texcoords stores vertices position indices | |
vertNormIdx | If vertices have multiple normals/texcoords stores vertices normal indices | |
filename | Path to an ogl model | |
texturename | Name of the Texture | |
scaleTex | Scale of the texture | 1 1 |
translationTex | Translation of the texture | 0 0 |
material | Material | |
putOnlyTexCoords | Give Texture Coordinates without the texture binding | 0 |
srgbTexturing | When sRGB rendering is enabled, is the texture in sRGB colorspace? | 0 |
materials | List of materials | |
groups | Groups of triangles and quads using a given material | |
blendTranslucency | Blend transparent parts | 1 |
premultipliedAlpha | is alpha premultiplied ? | 0 |
writeZTransparent | Write into Z Buffer for Transparent Object | 0 |
alphaBlend | Enable alpha blending | 0 |
depthTest | Enable depth testing | 1 |
cullFace | Face culling (0 = no culling, 1 = cull back faces, 2 = cull front faces) | 0 |
lineWidth | Line width (set if != 1, only for lines rendering) | 1 |
pointSize | Point size (set if != 1, only for points rendering) | 1 |
lineSmooth | Enable smooth line rendering | 0 |
pointSmooth | Enable smooth point rendering | 0 |
primitiveType | Select types of primitives to send (necessary for some shader types such as geometry or tesselation) | |
blendEquation | if alpha blending is enabled this specifies how source and destination colors are combined | |
sfactor | if alpha blending is enabled this specifies how the red, green, blue, and alpha source blending factors are computed | |
dfactor | if alpha blending is enabled this specifies how the red, green, blue, and alpha destination blending factors are computed | |
Vector | ||
position | Vertices coordinates | |
restPosition | Vertices rest coordinates | |
normal | Normals of the model | |
vertices | vertices of the model (only if vertices have multiple normals/texcoords, otherwise positions are used) | |
texcoords | coordinates of the texture | |
tangents | tangents for normal mapping | |
bitangents | tangents for normal mapping | |
edges | edges of the model | |
triangles | triangles of the model | |
quads | quads of the model | |
Transformation | ||
translation | Initial Translation of the object | 0 0 0 |
rotation | Initial Rotation of the object | 0 0 0 |
scale3d | Initial Scale of the object | 1 1 1 |
Name | Description | Destination type name |
context | Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) | BaseContext |
slaves | Sub-objects used internally by this object | BaseObject |
master | nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects | BaseObject |
topology | link to the topology container | BaseMeshTopology |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Node name="root" dt="0.01">
<RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.IO.Mesh"/> <!-- Needed to use components [MeshOBJLoader] -->
<RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.GL.Component.Rendering3D"/> <!-- Needed to use components [OglModel] -->
<MeshOBJLoader name="meshLoader_0" filename="mesh/snake_body.obj" translation="30 0 0" handleSeams="1" />
<OglModel name="VisualModel" src="@meshLoader_0" useNormals="0"/>
<MeshOBJLoader name="loader" filename="mesh/snake_body.obj" translation="0 0 0"/>
<OglModel name="VisualModel2" src="@loader" color="red"/>
def createScene(root_node):
root = root_node.addChild('root', dt="0.01")
root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.IO.Mesh")
root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.GL.Component.Rendering3D")
root.addObject('DefaultAnimationLoop', )
root.addObject('MeshOBJLoader', name="meshLoader_0", filename="mesh/snake_body.obj", translation="30 0 0", handleSeams="1")
root.addObject('OglModel', name="VisualModel", src="@meshLoader_0", useNormals="0")
root.addObject('MeshOBJLoader', name="loader", filename="mesh/snake_body.obj", translation="0 0 0")
root.addObject('OglModel', name="VisualModel2", src="@loader", color="red")