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Components in SOFA

Components implement most of the simulation methods. One can roughly distinguish two categories of components: Property components implement a facet of one object's physical properties, such as its mass, stiffness, attachments. They are associated with a given simulated object, and the C++ class is often templatized on the type of Degrees of Freedom (DOF) of the object. The most important component of an object is its MechanicalState, which contains the state vectors: positions, velocities, and auxiliary vectors. Control components implement high-level algorithms such as time integration and collision detection. Most of them are not attached to a given object. They control all the objects within their scope (their subgraph in the scenegraph) using visitors which traverse the scenegraph to apply virtual functions.

Base functions

A SOFA component is a class deriving from sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject. This way, several virtual methods are provided, and must be known in order to configure correctly the behavior of your component:

init() and bwdInit()

When SOFA loads a simulation, its creates in C++, or directly using XML/Python the SOFA Components (and the default constructor). At this stage, you must initialize what we call Data, a component that you can find in sofa::core::objectmodel::Data. The purpose of this utility class is to store all the parameters of your component, and handle this way the input (parametrize the component from XML/Python files for instance), and output (save at a time T the configuration of your component). Everything that needs to be saved in your component must be kept into memory inside a Data (find out more about the Data here). Basically to initialize a data, you must do the following:

//Previous declaration of the Data
Data<bool> d_isEnabled;
//In Component constructor
d_isEnabled(initData(&d_isEnabled, true, "isEnabled", "Boolean indicating if the component is enable"))) //ptr to the data, default value, name used for the parameter (the same that will appear later in the XML/Python file), description of the parameter (its purpose)

Once all the SOFA components of the scenes have been created, we launch a Visitor to initialize the components. Basically a Visitor starts from a node (for the InitVisitor, we start from the root), execute several specific operations going top→down, and then another set of operations going bottom→up. This is translated for the InitVisitor by the call, each time we initialize a scene of two methods:

void init(); //call during Top->Down traversal
void bwdInit(); //call during Bottom->Up traversal

init() is called in each component of the graph (top→down) for initialization, bwdInit() is called once all the children of a node has been initialized (bottom→up). The methods init() and bwdInit() have been called for all the component of the children nodes. Both method are virtual function from BaseObject which can be overriden in any component.


The reinit() method is automatically call reinit() when you edit a component in the GUI of SOFA:

void reinit();

cleanup() and reset()

These methods are called each time you want to reset a scene: first cleanup will be called, then reset.

  • In cleanup, you have to remove all the components you might have added to the scene: if in the scene, you have some collisions, and you create contact components, or collision response components, cleanup is a good place for you to remove them.
  • In reset, you must set back to default all the Datas and internal values of your component.
void cleanup();
void reset();


All SOFA components have a method draw(), so you don't need to derive from a VisualModel base component to display debug information. It is called at the end of the simulation time, directly by the GUI. At this moment, we only have one thread running both the simulation and the visualization. Soon, we want to separate these processes into two different threads so that the frequency of the visualization doesn't depend anymore on the frequency of the simulation (generally much slower).

void draw();


Every SOFA component has a context. By casting this context to a simulation::Node*, you manage to get the node containing your component. A Node is a very useful component, as you can launch visitors from them, or quickly get information about the content of the node. However, we insist on the fact that accessing other components through the context is not recommended: instead create Link/DataLink.

sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseContext* getContext();


simulation::Node* currentNode = static_cast<simulation::Node*>(myComponent->getContext());

handleEvent( Event* )

Every SOFA component inherits a Data f_listening from BaseObject. If f_listening is true, then each time an Event is sent to the node containing your component, this method will be called. This way, you can execute specific operations when an event is triggered.

void handleEvent( Event* );


void handleEvent ( core::objectmodel::Event* ev )
  if ( dynamic_cast ( ev ) )
    // Do some operation when the collision detection ends.

You can use the Trace of Visitor to know when and where the Events are triggered. The most common SOFA events are:

  • AnimateBeginEvent
  • AnimateEndEvent
  • CollisionBeginEvent
  • CollisionEndEvent
  • TopologyChangeEvent
  • UpdateMappingEndEvent

Find out more about the Events here.

Member variables

Component state

The Data attribute d_componentState defined in Base.h corresponds to the state of every component. This enum defines the following states:

  • Undefined: for a component that does not make use of this field have this one
  • Loading: the component is loading but never passed successfully its init() function
  • Valid: the component has passed successfully its init function and is operational
  • Dirty: the component is ready to be used but requires a call to reinit
  • Busy: the component is doing "something", don't trust its values for doing your computation
  • Invalid: the component reached an error and is thus unable to behave normally.

The Data attribute f_printLog defined in Base.h is a boolean triggering the emission of log messages at runtime. If true, all messages as follows will be emitted:

msg_info() << "My log message";

Update mechanism

All components (i.e. class inheriting from BaseObject) inherits from a callback mechanism to update its internal attributes and Data. In SOFA, callback functions can be added so that outputs can be updated upon changes on their input data. The callback function returns a component state (see above: Valid / Invalid / etc.) which guarantees that the component state is properly maintained. Here is the callback used in Loaders:

/// name filename => component state update + change of all data field...but not visible ?
    addUpdateCallback("UpdateOnFilename", {&m_filename}, [this](const core::DataTracker& t)
            return sofa::core::objectmodel::ComponentState::Valid;
        return sofa::core::objectmodel::ComponentState::Invalid;
    }, {&d_positions, &d_normals, &d_edges, &d_triangles, &d_quads, &d_tetrahedra, &d_hexahedra, &d_pentahedra, &d_pyramids,
        &d_polylines, &d_polygons, &d_highOrderEdgePositions, &d_highOrderTrianglePositions, &d_highOrderQuadPositions, &d_highOrderHexahedronPositions, &d_highOrderTetrahedronPositions,
        &d_edgesGroups, &d_quadsGroups, &d_polygonsGroups, &d_pyramidsGroups, &d_hexahedraGroups, &d_trianglesGroups, &d_pentahedraGroups, &d_tetrahedraGroups}

it is triggered whenever the Data d_filename has been modified (i.e. it is dirty) in order to recompute the Data d_positions, d_normals, d_edges etc.

Other information about components

ObjectFactory methods

To support the creation of a scene from a xml description, we rely on an ObjectFactory. Optionally a SOFA Component can define several static methods to customize its creation and its XML syntax.


    static bool canCreate(T*& obj, core::objectmodel::BaseContext* context, core::objectmodel::BaseObjectDescription* arg);

This method is called before the effective creation of the object specified in the xml: this way, you have access to the current context (object that have already been created), and you can process to some basic verifications; for instance, if your component needs a specific template, or another component to work, you can test this here.


    static void create(T*& obj, BaseContext* context, BaseObjectDescription* arg);

If, and if only, the method canCreate answered true, the component is created: By default, the implementation made in sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject does:

    static void create(T*& obj, BaseContext* context, BaseObjectDescription* arg)
obj = new T;
if (context) context->addObject(obj);
if (arg) obj->parse(arg);

Three steps:

  • Creation of the object passed by template (look at how works the design pattern of an abstract factory)
  • Add the object inside the current context: the side effect of this instruction is that the new object will appear in the scene graph inside the node corresponding to the context
  • Parse method to initialize the parameters described in XML. All the parameters stored as Data will be automatically set, YOU DON'T HAVE TO IMPLEMENT YOUR OWN PARSE METHOD!


The templateName() and getTemplateName() methods purpose is to give convenient names to the attribute template of your component when reading/writing from the XML. These methods are defined in sofa::core::objectmodel::Base which is the base class for all SOFA objects that can belong to the scene graph, ie Nodes and Components.

std::string getTemplateName() const

static std::string templateName(const MyTemplateClass* = NULL)

The two methods inherently do the same thing but

  • the static method is used in the parts of the code where compile time generecity over SOFA objects is used ( meaning when we treat SOFA objects through some template parameter)
  • the class method is more convenient in the parts of the where we treat SOFA objects through a base class pointer. (runtime polymorphism)

The important thing to remember is that if you want to give a special behavior for the template attribute, you need to override both these method otherwise there will be some mismatches about what is expected. The template attribute is used at the component creation to select the appropriate constructor registered in the ObjectFactory.

<MechanicalObject template="Rigid"/>

As a rule of thumb, you should override these methods in your component class if these conditions are met :

  • your component class depends on template parameters
  • your component class does not inherit from a class of sofa::core which uses the exact same template parameters.


  • sofa::component::engine::BoxROI depends on a template parameter, and derives from sofa::core::DataEngine which does not, so the templateName methods are overriden.
  • sofa::component::mapping::IdentityMapping depends on template parameters, and derives from sofa::core::Mapping which uses the exact same template parameters, so the templateName methods need not to be overriden.

For most common template parameters like VecTypes and RigidTypes, we provide convenient aliases using the compile time expected method Name() of the template parameter. For example by providing

template<> inline const char* Vec3dTypes::Name() { return "Vec3d"; }

As a result we can write

<MechanicalObject template="Vec3d"/>

instead of :

<MechanicalObject template="StdVectorTypes<Vec<3,double>,Vec<3,double>,double> >" />

Common operations

When you use a Component in SOFA, you generally make it interact with the rest of the scene, and more specifically the node containing your component and the hierarchy above and below it.

Search components in the graph

One basic need you will have will be to get pointers to some components: Get the Mechanical State, or the Mapping... In the following examples, methods of class BaseObject are used to get smart pointers to the components:

// Search one component of a given type; return when the first is found.
Mapping::SPtr m;                      // using smart pointers is safer than plain pointers
m = searchLocal();           // search in the same node as this
m = BaseObject::searchLocal();           // from a template class, you may have to help the compiler
m = searchUp();              // search in the same node as this, then upward in the node hierarchy
m = searchDown();            // search in the same node as this, then downward in the node hierarchy
m = searchFromRoot();        // search starting from the root
m = searchInParents();       // search in the parents of the local node

// Search all the component of a given type
vector v;
v = searchAllLocal();
v = searchAllUp();
v = searchAllDown();
v = searchAllFromRoot();
v = searchAllInParents();

// Search all the component of a given type with a given Tag
core::objectmodel::Tag t("Fluid");
v = searchAllLocal( t );
v = searchAllUp( t );
v = searchAllDown( t );
v = searchAllFromRoot( t );
v = searchAllInParents( t );

// Search all the component of a given type with a given TagSet
core::objectmodel::TagSet ts= this->getTags();
v = searchAllLocal( ts );
v = searchAllUp( ts );
v = searchAllDown( ts );
v = searchAllFromRoot( ts );
v = searchAllInParents( ts );

In the following examples, the same is done using the lower-level method BaseObject::get

core::componentmodel::behavior::BaseMapping* mapping;
if (mapping)
{  //Mapping found
{  //Mapping NOT found

//Same call as this->getContext()->get(mapping);
this->getContext()->get(mapping, sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseContext::SearchUp);
//Starts from local node, then if nothing is found, goes down in the hierarchy of node
this->getContext()->get(mapping, sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseContext::SearchDown);
//Search only inside the local node
this->getContext()->get(mapping, sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseContext::Local);
//Search from the Root node, then goes down to all the nodes
this->getContext()->get(mapping, sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseContext::SearchRoot);

sofa::helper::vector< sofa::core::CollisionModel* > list_collisionModels; //container for the component you want to find
//Default call: search from current node, then goes up
static_cast(this->getContext())->get< sofa::core::CollisionModel >( &list_collisionModels );
//Same behavior as previous call, only it explicits the method called
static_cast(this->getContext())->get< sofa::core::CollisionModel >( &list_collisionModels, BaseContext::SearchUp);
//Starts from the current node, and goes down
static_cast(this->getContext())->get< sofa::core::CollisionModel >( &list_collisionModels, BaseContext::SearchDown);
//Search only in the current node
static_cast(this->getContext())->get< sofa::core::CollisionModel >( &list_collisionModels, BaseContext::Local);
//Search from the root
static_cast(this->getContext())->get< sofa::core::CollisionModel >( &list_collisionModels, BaseContext::SearchRoot);

//Find a mapping (previously declared), containing the same set of tags as your component
this->getContext()->get(mapping, this->getTags(), sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseContext::SearchDown);

//Find a mapping (previously declared), containing the set of tags "Fluid" and "Mecha"
sofa::core::objectmodel::TagSet tagsToFind;
this->getContext()->get(mapping, tagsToFind, sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseContext::SearchDown);

Launch Visitor

The genericity of SOFA is achieved mainly by the use of Visitors. It is good to know how to launch them.

simulation::Node *currentNode=static_cast(this->getContext());
currentNode->execute(); //Launch the visitor VisualUpdateVisitor from the currentNode

//If you need to configure your Visitor before launching it
sofa::simulation::MechanicalWriteLMConstraint  LMConstraintVisitor;
LMConstraintVisitor.setOrder(orderState); //configuring the Visitor
//Launch the Visitor

As mentioned previously, you can use Tags in order to execute your Visitor only on the components containing a set of Tags


Bounding Box

There is a BoundingBox class declared in sofa/defaulttype/BoundingBox.h This class defines most common operations regarding bounding boxes, such as intersection and inclusion. All the components and contexts/nodes in SOFA have a data with public access to express its bounding box.

// in sofa/core/Base.h
Data< sofa::defaulttype::BoundingBox > f_bbox;


The default value for the bounding box is a neutral element for the inclusion operation. A component can describe how its bounding box is computed by redefining the virtual method.

// in sofa/core/BaseObject.h
virtual void computeBBox(sofa::core::ExecParams* params);

There is an example of such an override in the sofa::core::State class.

contexts and nodes

Contexts, also have a notion of Bounding Box. A Context bounding box is the inclusion of:

  • the bounding boxes of all its components.
  • the bounding boxes of all its child contexts

accessing the bounding box value from a component

You can access the value of your component bounding box using :

//somewhere in yourcomponent.cpp
const sofa::defaulttype::BoundingBox& bbox = this->f_bbox.getValue();

If your component does not define any bounding box, you can still access its context bounding box

//somewhere in yourcomponent.cpp
const sofa::defaulttype::BoundingBox& bbox = this->getContext()->f_bbox.getValue();

update of the bounding boxes

Bounding boxes values are set the first time during the InitVisitor traversal. There are kept up to date using the UpdateBoundingBoxVisitor.