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Advanced Timer: How to log computation time

This is the most precise and flexible way of monitoring the computation time in SOFA. It prints results on the standard text output. There is an option in runSofa to activate the display every N time steps from the command line :

runSofa --computationTimeSampling N myAmazingScene.pyscn
(use --help for a list of command line options). The parameter update the variable computationTimeSampling which specifies the intervals (counted in animation steps) between successive statistics displays. 0 means deactivated. To monitor the time spent in a specific part of the code, bracket it as shown below:

sofa::helper::AdvancedTimer::stepBegin("Build linear equation");
// your code here
sofa::helper::AdvancedTimer::stepEnd("Build linear equation");

That is all. Then the corresponding computation time can be displayed at regular intervals. Be careful to use the same string in the two instructions. The begin/end calls can be nested, to monitor hierarchically. An example of statistics is shown below. The number of dots before the name of the piece of code denote the nesting level.

==== Animate ====
Trace of last iteration :
 *    0.06 ms > begin Mechanical on Cube grid
 *    0.10 ms   > begin Build linear equation
 *                > begin forces in the right-hand term
 *    1.27 ms     < end   forces in the right-hand term
 *    1.37 ms     > begin shift and project independent states
 *    1.49 ms     < end   shift and project independent states
 *                > begin local M
 *    2.11 ms     < end   local M
 *    2.38 ms     > begin J products
 *   12.89 ms     < end   J products
 *   12.91 ms     > begin J products
 *   28.06 ms     < end   J products
 *                > begin local K
 *   28.51 ms     < end   local K
 *   28.53 ms     > begin JMJt, JKJt, JCJt
 *   86.86 ms     < end   JMJt, JKJt, JCJt
 *                > begin implicit equation: scaling and sum of matrices, update right-hand term
 *   87.75 ms     < end   implicit equation: scaling and sum of matrices, update right-hand term
 *              < end   Build linear equation
 *              > begin Solve linear equation
 *   90.78 ms   < end   Solve linear equation
 *   94.81 ms < end   Mechanical on Cube grid
 *   94.83 ms > begin UpdateMapping
 *              - step  UpdateMappingEndEvent
 *   94.84 ms < end   UpdateMapping
 *            > begin UpdateBBox
 *   94.93 ms < end   UpdateBBox
 *   94.94 ms END

Steps Duration Statistics (in ms) :
  0       0     100      86.57  127.50  109.99    7.77 10999.1  100    TOTAL
  1       0.06    1      86.32  127.25  109.75    7.75  109.75   99.78 .Mechanical
  2       0.09    1      79.42  112.21   99.97    7.02   99.97   90.89 ..Build linear equation
  3       0.09    1       0.84    1.36    1.14    0.14    1.14    1.04 ...forces in the right-hand term
  3       1.34    1       0.07    0.14    0.10    0.02    0.10    0.09 ...shift and project independent states
  3       1.44    1       0.39    0.68    0.55    0.08    0.55    0.50 ...local M
  3       2.23    2       7.52   17.67   12.72    2.34   25.44   23.13 ...J products
  3      27.70    1       0.28    0.54    0.41    0.06    0.41    0.37 ...local K
  3      28.13    1      54.07   79.54   70.61    5.53   70.61   64.20 ...JMJt, JKJt, JCJt
  3      98.75    1       0.88    2.29    1.31    0.24    1.32    1.20 ...implicit equation: scaling and sum of matrices, update right-hand term 
  2     100.06    1       2.71    4.79    3.75    0.51    3.75    3.41 ..Solve linear equation
  1     109.84    1       0.01    0.02    0.02    0       0.02    0.01 .UpdateMapping
  2     109.84    1       0       0       0       0       0       0    ..UpdateMappingEndEvent
  1     109.85    1       0.09    0.28    0.14    0.03    0.14    0.12 .UpdateBBox

==== END ====