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Simulate a cable.



  • Vec2d

Target: SoftRobots

namespace: softrobots::constraint


  • CableModel


Name Description Default value
name object name unnamed
printLog if true, emits extra messages at runtime. 0
tags list of the subsets the objet belongs to
bbox this object bounding box
componentState The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). Undefined
listening if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events 0
group ID of the group containing this constraint. This ID is used to specify which constraints are solved by which solver, by specifying in each solver which groups of constraints it should handle. 0
constraintIndex Constraint index (first index in the right hand term resolution vector) 0
endTime The SoftRobotsConstraint stops acting after the given value. Use a negative value for infinite SoftRobotsConstraints -1
indices List of points connected by the cable (from extremity to actuated point). If no indices are given, default value is 0. In case of multiple indices, one point will be actuated and the others will represent sliding points for the cable.
pullPoint Fixed point from which the cable is pulled. If unspecified, the default value is {0.0,0.0,0.0} 0 0
hasPullPoint If false, the pull point is not considered and the cable is entirely mapped In that case, needs at least 2 different point in indices. 1
cableInitialLength This value can be defined by the user. If not defined, it will correspond to the length of the cable at the start of the simulation 0
cableLength Computation done at the end of the time step 0
method Default is point method. In point method, cable force is applied on a single point. Both methods sphere and geodesic are compatible with passing point on a surface only. In sphere method, cable force is dispatched in the intersection between a 3D sphere and a surface. In geodesic method, cable force is dispatched in a circle projected on a surface. point
centers List of positions describing attachment of cables on the surface, used only with sphere and geodesic methods. Points are centers of cable pulling application areas. If not defined, centers are computed from provided indices instead.
radii List of radius used to compute pulling application areas from centers. Used only with sphere and geodesic methods.
maxForce Maximum force of the actuator. If unspecified no maximum value will be considered.
minForce Minimum force of the actuator. If unspecified no minimum value will be considered and the cable will then be seen as a stiff rod able to push.
eqForce Equality force of the actuator. Solver will try to maintain the cable force at this value If unspecified, no value will be considered 0
maxPositiveDisp Maximum displacement of the actuator in the positive direction. If unspecified no maximum value will be considered.
maxNegativeDisp Maximum displacement of the actuator in the negative direction. If unspecified no maximum value will be considered.
eqDisp Equality displacement of the actuator. Solver will try to maintain the cable displacement at this value If unspecified, no value will be considered 0
maxDispVariation Maximum variation of the displacement allowed. If not set, no max variation will be concidered.
value Displacement or force to impose.
valueIndex Index of the value (in InputValue vector) that we want to impose If unspecified the default value is {0} 0
valueType displacement = the contstraint will impose the displacement provided in data value[valueIndex] force = the contstraint will impose the force provided in data value[valueIndex] If unspecified, the default value is displacement displacement
force Output force. Warning: to get the actual force you should divide this value by dt. 0
displacement Output displacement compared to the initial cable length. 0
drawPullPoint 1
drawPoints 1
drawPulledAreas Whether to draw pulled area points or not. 0
color Color of the string. 0.4 0.4 0.4 1
Name Description Destination type name
context Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) BaseContext
slaves Sub-objects used internally by this object BaseObject
master nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects BaseObject
surfaceTopology Link to the topology container of the surface on which the cable is attached.
Used only with sphere and geodesic methods. BaseMeshTopology



  • Vec3d

Target: SoftRobots

namespace: softrobots::constraint


  • CableModel


Name Description Default value
name object name unnamed
printLog if true, emits extra messages at runtime. 0
tags list of the subsets the objet belongs to
bbox this object bounding box
componentState The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). Undefined
listening if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events 0
group ID of the group containing this constraint. This ID is used to specify which constraints are solved by which solver, by specifying in each solver which groups of constraints it should handle. 0
constraintIndex Constraint index (first index in the right hand term resolution vector) 0
endTime The SoftRobotsConstraint stops acting after the given value. Use a negative value for infinite SoftRobotsConstraints -1
indices List of points connected by the cable (from extremity to actuated point). If no indices are given, default value is 0. In case of multiple indices, one point will be actuated and the others will represent sliding points for the cable.
pullPoint Fixed point from which the cable is pulled. If unspecified, the default value is {0.0,0.0,0.0} 0 0 0
hasPullPoint If false, the pull point is not considered and the cable is entirely mapped In that case, needs at least 2 different point in indices. 1
cableInitialLength This value can be defined by the user. If not defined, it will correspond to the length of the cable at the start of the simulation 0
cableLength Computation done at the end of the time step 0
method Default is point method. In point method, cable force is applied on a single point. Both methods sphere and geodesic are compatible with passing point on a surface only. In sphere method, cable force is dispatched in the intersection between a 3D sphere and a surface. In geodesic method, cable force is dispatched in a circle projected on a surface. point
centers List of positions describing attachment of cables on the surface, used only with sphere and geodesic methods. Points are centers of cable pulling application areas. If not defined, centers are computed from provided indices instead.
radii List of radius used to compute pulling application areas from centers. Used only with sphere and geodesic methods.
maxForce Maximum force of the actuator. If unspecified no maximum value will be considered.
minForce Minimum force of the actuator. If unspecified no minimum value will be considered and the cable will then be seen as a stiff rod able to push.
eqForce Equality force of the actuator. Solver will try to maintain the cable force at this value If unspecified, no value will be considered 0
maxPositiveDisp Maximum displacement of the actuator in the positive direction. If unspecified no maximum value will be considered.
maxNegativeDisp Maximum displacement of the actuator in the negative direction. If unspecified no maximum value will be considered.
eqDisp Equality displacement of the actuator. Solver will try to maintain the cable displacement at this value If unspecified, no value will be considered 0
maxDispVariation Maximum variation of the displacement allowed. If not set, no max variation will be concidered.
value Displacement or force to impose.
valueIndex Index of the value (in InputValue vector) that we want to impose If unspecified the default value is {0} 0
valueType displacement = the contstraint will impose the displacement provided in data value[valueIndex] force = the contstraint will impose the force provided in data value[valueIndex] If unspecified, the default value is displacement displacement
force Output force. Warning: to get the actual force you should divide this value by dt. 0
displacement Output displacement compared to the initial cable length. 0
drawPullPoint 1
drawPoints 1
drawPulledAreas Whether to draw pulled area points or not. 0
color Color of the string. 0.4 0.4 0.4 1
Name Description Destination type name
context Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) BaseContext
slaves Sub-objects used internally by this object BaseObject
master nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects BaseObject
surfaceTopology Link to the topology container of the surface on which the cable is attached.
Used only with sphere and geodesic methods. BaseMeshTopology