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  • Install HAPI{.external .text}, using either an installer or with the source code (For VS2010, see below). If you use the installer and keep it in the default directory, it should install to C:/HAPI. If you use the source, it will be in the directory that you specify. From this point forward, we will refer to this directory as MyHAPIInstallation.
  • Turn on the option SOFA-PLUGIN_SOFAHAPI in CMake, and configure.
  • Likely, CMake will report that HAPI was not found. You can manually set:

HAPI_INCLUDE_DIR = MyHAPIInstallation/HAPI/include HAPI_LIBRARY = MyHAPIInstallation/lib/HAPI_vc9.lib If you are not compiling in Visual Studio 2008, change the _vc9.lib suffix to whatever version is appropriate. HAPI_DEBUG_LIBRARY is optional. Configure again.

  • Next, you will probably get an error that H3DUTIL was not found. You can manually set:

H3DUTIL_INCLUDE_DIR = MyHAPIInstallation/H3DUtil/include H3DUTIL_LIBRARY = MyHAPIInstallation/lib/H3DUtil_vc9.lib Again, changing the library suffix if needed. H3DUTIL_DEBUG_LIBRARY is optional. Configure again.

  • Finally, you will probably get an error that PTHREAD was not found. You can manually set:

PTHREAD_INCLUDE_DIR = MyHAPIInstallation/External/include/pthread PTHREAD_LIBRARY = MyHAPIInstallation/External/lib/pthreadVC2.lib Note that pthreadVC2.lib is not in the same directory as the previous two libraries. Configure again.

  • You should now be able to Generate and compile without problems.

HAPI for VS2010

The HAPI installer doesn't include libraries for VS2010, so you will have to build them yourself.

  • Start by using the installer, as it will get you the source code and Pthread, a required library.
  • Using CMake, set the Source Code to MyHAPIInstallation/HAPI/build.
  • Set the Build to where you want to source to be built.
  • Press Configure, and choose Visual Studio 10 as the desired compiler.
  • Press Configure until all the red highlighted things are gone.
  • Press Generate.
  • Open the resulting Solution file in Visual Studio 2010, and compile.
  • Once everything finishes compiling, you can find H3DUtil_vc10.lib in MyHAPIInstallation/H3DUtil/build/Release and HAPI_vc10.lib in MyHAPIInstallation/HAPI/build/Release. You can either leave them where they are and point CMake to them when configuring, or copy them toMyHAPIInstallation/lib with the libraries for the other versions of Visual Studio.
  • Repeat the compilation is debug mode if desired.