Generate tetrahedral mesh from image
- Vec3d,ImageUC
Target: CGALPlugin
namespace: cgal
- DataEngine
Name | Description | Default value |
name | object name | unnamed |
printLog | if true, emits extra messages at runtime. | 0 |
tags | list of the subsets the object belongs to | |
bbox | this object bounding box | |
componentState | The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). | Undefined |
listening | if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events | 0 |
filename | Image file | |
image | image input | 0 0 0 0 0 |
transform | 12-param vector for trans, rot, scale, ... | |
features | features (1D) that will be preserved in the mesh | |
outputPoints | New Rest position coordinates from the tetrahedral generation | |
outputTetras | List of tetrahedra | |
outputTetrasDomains | domain of each tetrahedron | |
outputCellData | Output cell data | |
frozen | true to prohibit recomputations of the mesh | 0 |
edgeSize | Edge size criterium (needed for polyline features | 2 |
facetAngle | Lower bound for the angle in degrees of the surface mesh facets | 25 |
facetSize | Uniform upper bound for the radius of the surface Delaunay balls | 0.15 |
facetApproximation | Upper bound for the center-center distances of the surface mesh facets | 0.008 |
cellRatio | Upper bound for the radius-edge ratio of the tetrahedra | 4 |
cellSize | Uniform upper bound for the circumradii of the tetrahedra in the mesh | 1 |
label | label to be resized to a specific cellSize | |
labelCellSize | Uniform upper bound for the circumradii of the tetrahedra in the mesh by label | |
labelCellData | 1D cell data by label | |
odt | activate odt optimization | 0 |
lloyd | activate lloyd optimization | 0 |
perturb | activate perturb optimization | 0 |
exude | activate exude optimization | 0 |
odt_max_it | odt max iteration number | 200 |
lloyd_max_it | lloyd max iteration number | 200 |
perturb_max_time | perturb maxtime | 20 |
exude_max_time | exude max time | 20 |
ordering | Output points and elements ordering (0 = none, 1 = longest bbox axis) | 0 |
Visualization | ||
drawTetras | display generated tetra mesh | 0 |
Name | Description | Destination type name |
context | Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) | BaseContext |
slaves | Sub-objects used internally by this object | BaseObject |
master | nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects | BaseObject |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Node name="root" gravity="0 0 0" dt="1" >
<RequiredPlugin pluginName="CGALPlugin"/>
<RequiredPlugin pluginName="image"/>
<MeshVTKLoader name="loader" filename="data/edgePoints.vtk" scale3d="1.0 1.0 1.0"/>
<ImageContainer name="image" template="ImageUC" filename="data/image/image-cube.inr"/>
<ImageViewer template="ImageUC" src="@image" plane="0 0 0"/>
<MeshGenerationFromImage template="Vec3d,ImageUC" name="generator" printLog="0" drawTetras="true"
image="@image.image" transform="@image.transform" features="@loader.position"
cellSize="5" edgeSize="5" facetSize="5" facetApproximation="0.1" facetAngle="30" cellRatio="3" ordering="0"
label="1 2 3" labelCellSize="0.15 0.15 0.15" labelCellData="100 200 300"/>/>
<MeshTopology name="generatedMesh" points="@generator.outputPoints" tetras="@generator.outputTetras"/>
<!--<VTKExporter name="exporter" filename="cubeWithFeatures.vtk" XMLformat="0" edges="0" tetras="1" exportAtBegin="1" cellsDataFields="generator.outputCellData"/>-->
def createScene(root_node):
root = root_node.addChild('root', gravity="0 0 0", dt="1")
root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', pluginName="CGALPlugin")
root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', pluginName="image")
root.addObject('MeshVTKLoader', name="loader", filename="data/edgePoints.vtk", scale3d="1.0 1.0 1.0")
root.addObject('ImageContainer', name="image", template="ImageUC", filename="data/image/image-cube.inr")
root.addObject('ImageViewer', template="ImageUC", src="@image", plane="0 0 0")
root.addObject('MeshGenerationFromImage', template="Vec3d,ImageUC", name="generator", printLog="0", drawTetras="true", image="@image.image", transform="@image.transform", features="@loader.position", cellSize="5", edgeSize="5", facetSize="5", facetApproximation="0.1", facetAngle="30", cellRatio="3", ordering="0", label="1 2 3", labelCellSize="0.15 0.15 0.15", labelCellData="100 200 300")
root.addObject('MeshTopology', name="generatedMesh", points="@generator.outputPoints", tetras="@generator.outputTetras")
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Node name="root" gravity="0 0 0" dt="1" >
<RequiredPlugin pluginName="CGALPlugin"/>
<RequiredPlugin pluginName="image"/>
<RequiredPlugin pluginName='SofaOpenglVisual'/>
<BackgroundSetting color="0 0.16862745098 0.21176470588"/>
<VisualStyle displayFlags="showVisual" />
<ImageContainer name="image" template="ImageUC" filename="data/image/image-cube.inr"/>
<!-- <ImageViewer template="ImageUC" src="@image"/> -->
<MeshGenerationFromImage template="Vec3d,ImageUC" name="generator" printLog="0" drawTetras="true"
image="@image.image" transform="@image.transform"
cellSize="0.5" facetAngle="30" facetSize="1" cellRatio="3" facetApproximation="1" ordering="0"
label="1 2 3" labelCellSize="0.2 0.5 0.1" labelCellData="100 200 300"/>
<MeshTopology name="volume" points="@generator.outputPoints" tetras="@generator.outputTetras"/>
<!--<VTKExporter name="exporter" filename="data/output.vtu" XMLformat="1" edges="0" tetras="1" listening="true" exportAtBegin="true" cellsDataFields="generator.outputCellData" overwrite="true"/>-->
def createScene(root_node):
root = root_node.addChild('root', gravity="0 0 0", dt="1")
root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', pluginName="CGALPlugin")
root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', pluginName="image")
root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', pluginName="SofaOpenglVisual")
root.addObject('BackgroundSetting', color="0 0.16862745098 0.21176470588")
root.addObject('VisualStyle', displayFlags="showVisual")
root.addObject('VisualGrid', )
root.addObject('OglSceneFrame', )
root.addObject('LineAxis', )
root.addObject('ImageContainer', name="image", template="ImageUC", filename="data/image/image-cube.inr")
root.addObject('MeshGenerationFromImage', template="Vec3d,ImageUC", name="generator", printLog="0", drawTetras="true", image="@image.image", transform="@image.transform", cellSize="0.5", facetAngle="30", facetSize="1", cellRatio="3", facetApproximation="1", ordering="0", label="1 2 3", labelCellSize="0.2 0.5 0.1", labelCellData="100 200 300")
root.addObject('MeshTopology', name="volume", points="@generator.outputPoints", tetras="@generator.outputTetras")