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It is STRONGLY advised to read through this entire doc page before getting started.

Preconfigured Docker image

We provide preconfigured Docker images based on Ubuntu or Fedora.
These images contain all the tools and dependencies needed to build SOFA.
Feel free to use them and to propose your own versions on Docker Hub!

Ubuntu image:

Fedora image:

Supported Linux version

SOFA policy is to support only the latest Ubuntu LTS.

Build tools


SOFA requires a C++17 compatible compiler.
On Linux, we officially support GCC >= 7 and Clang >= 5.

First, install the standard compilation toolkit with this command:

sudo apt install build-essential software-properties-common


To know which GCC versions are available for your distribution, run this command:

apt-cache search '^gcc-[0-9.]+$'

Then, install the latest one with the usual command (example with gcc-11):

sudo apt install gcc-11


Clang is an alternative to GCC. It compiles approximately two times faster!
We recommend to install Clang 5 or newer.

To know which Clang versions are available for your distribution, run this command:

apt-cache search '^clang-[0-9.]+$'

Then, install the latest one with the usual command (example with clang-12):

sudo apt install clang-12

CMake: Makefile generator

CMake will be required to configure the SOFA project before compiling it. Note that SOFA requires at least CMake 3.22.

sudo apt install cmake cmake-gui

[optional] Ninja: build system

Ninja is an alternative to Make. It has a better handling of incremental builds.

sudo apt install ninja-build

[optional] CCache: caching system

We advise you to use ccache. It is by no means mandatory, but it will dramatically improve the compilation time if you make changes to SOFA.

sudo apt install ccache


Core (required)

SOFA requires some libraries:

  • tinyXML2

    sudo apt install libtinyxml2-dev

  • Qt (>= 5.12.0) with Charts and WebEngine
    We recommend to install Qt in your user directory with the unified installer.
    Make sure to enable Charts and WebEngine components.

    • Qt Wayland: X11 is known as an old display protocol. Recently, some Linux distributions switched to a new display protocol/server named Wayland. If you are using Wayland, or to check whether you are using it:
      • Run this command to check your protocol:
        echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE
      • If you are using Wayland, install the associated qtwayland running this command (here for Qt5):
        sudo apt install qtwayland5
        and set the environment variable export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
  • OpenGL

    sudo apt install libopengl0

  • Boost (>= 1.65.1)

    sudo apt install libboost-all-dev

  • Python 3.10 + pip + numpy + scipy

    sudo apt install python3.10-dev pybind11-dev

    sudo apt-get install python3.10-distutils \
    && curl -L --output /tmp/ \
    && python3.10 /tmp/ \
    && python3.10 -m pip install --upgrade pip \
    && python3.10 -m pip install numpy scipy pybind11==2.9.1
  • Additional libraries: libPNG, libJPEG, libTIFF, Glew, Zlib

    sudo apt install libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libglew-dev zlib1g-dev

  • SOFA v20.06 and newer also need Eigen (>= 3.2.10)

    sudo apt install libeigen3-dev

Plugins (optional)

SOFA plugins depend on libraries that are available in the official repositories.
You probably don't need them all, but you might find it convenient to install them all and not worry about it later.
This list does not cover all available SOFA plugins, only the ones that are built by our continuous integration platform.

  • CGALPlugin
    sudo apt install libcgal-dev libcgal-qt5-dev
  • MeshSTEPLoader
    sudo apt install liboce-ocaf-dev
  • SofaAssimp
    sudo apt install libassimp-dev
  • SofaCUDA
    The currently supported cuda version is 12.2
    sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
  • SofaHeadlessRecorder
    sudo apt install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev
  • SofaPardisoSolver
    sudo apt install libblas-dev liblapack-dev

Building SOFA

Setup your source and build directories

To set up clean repositories, we recommend to arrange the SOFA directories as follows:

├── build/
│   ├── master/
│   └── v24.06/
└── src/
    └── < SOFA sources here >

First, checkout the sources from Git repository:

Get the current stable version on the v24.06 branch:

git clone -b v24.06 sofa/src

OR get the development unstable version on the master branch:

git clone -b master sofa/src

Generate a Makefile with CMake

  1. Create build directories respecting the arrangement above.

  2. Run CMake-GUI and set source folder and build folder.

  3. Run Configure. A popup will ask you to specify the generator for the project.

  4. If you installed Ninja, select "Ninja".

  5. Otherwise, select "Unix Makefile".

  6. Choose "Specify native compilers" and press "Next"

  7. Set the C compiler to /usr/bin/gcc or /usr/bin/clang
    Set the C++ compiler to /usr/bin/g++ or /usr/bin/clang++

  8. Run Configure.

  9. Fix eventual dependency errors by following CMake messages (see Troubleshooting section below). Do not worry about warnings.

  10. (optional) Customize SOFA via CMake variables

  11. choose the build type by setting CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to "Release" or "RelWithDebInfo" (recommended) or "Debug"

  12. activate or deactivate plugins: see PLUGIN_XXX variables
  13. activate or deactivate functionalities: see SOFA_XXX variables

Do not forget to Configure again to check if your changes are valid.

  1. When you are ready, run Generate.


To compile, open a terminal in your build directory and run make or ninja depending on the generator you chose during CMake configuration. If you chose "Unix Makefile" as generator, you can enable parallel compilation by specifying the number of parallel build you want by adding the -j n option with n being the number of desired parallel jobs. This is set automatically to the highest possible by ninja, but this can be modified in the same way as for make.

Time for a coffee!

Troubleshooting CMake errors

Qt detection error

To solve Qt detection errors, click on Add Entry and add CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH with path /home/YOUR_USERNAME/Qt/QT_VERSION/COMPILER matching your Qt installation.
Example: CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/bob/Qt/5.15/gcc_64

Then, Configure again.

A further dev warning may appear:

CMake Warning (dev) at YOUR_QT_PATH/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/Qt5CoreMacros.cmake:224 (configure_file):
configure_file called with unknown argument(s):


Call Stack (most recent call first):
applications/projects/Modeler/exec/CMakeLists.txt:14 (qt5_add_resources)

This is just a typo with Qt5CoreMacros.cmake file. It uses COPY_ONLY instead of COPYONLY. Simply edit your Qt5CoreMacros.cmake, replace COPY_ONLY with COPYONLY and Configure again.

Compilation tutorial

See our page presenting video tutorial for compilation on Linux.