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Camera with mouse and keyboard controls.

Target: Sofa.Component.Visual

namespace: sofa::component::visual


  • BaseCamera


Name Description Default value
name object name unnamed
printLog if true, emits extra messages at runtime. 0
tags list of the subsets the objet belongs to
bbox this object bounding box
componentState The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). Undefined
listening if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events 0
position Camera's position
orientation Camera's orientation
lookAt Camera's look at
distance Distance between camera and look at
fieldOfView Camera's FOV 45
zNear Camera's zNear 0.01
zFar Camera's zFar 100
computeZClip Compute Z clip planes (Near and Far) according to the bounding box 1
minBBox minBBox 0 0 0
maxBBox maxBBox 1 1 1
widthViewport widthViewport 800
heightViewport heightViewport 600
projectionType Camera Type (0 = Perspective, 1 = Orthographic)
activated Camera activated ? 1
fixedLookAt keep the lookAt point always fixed 0
modelViewMatrix ModelView Matrix
projectionMatrix Projection Matrix
zoomSpeed Zoom Speed 250
panSpeed Pan Speed 0.1
pivot Pivot (0 => Camera lookAt, 1 => Camera position, 2 => Scene center, 3 => World center 2
Name Description Destination type name
context Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) BaseContext
slaves Sub-objects used internally by this object BaseObject
master nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects BaseObject