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This component belongs to the category of ForceField. The ConstantForceField is a simple force field applying the same constant force on each node. This force field is not integrated over the domain of our object, but simply distributed over the number of nodes.


As a Forcefield, the ConstantForceField requires a MechanicalObject and the associated solvers (integration scheme and linear solver), as well as a PointSetTopologyContainer.

Constant forces applied to given degrees of freedom.



  • Rigid2d

Target: Sofa.Component.MechanicalLoad

namespace: sofa::component::mechanicalload


  • ForceField


Name Description Default value
name object name unnamed
printLog if true, emits extra messages at runtime. 0
tags list of the subsets the objet belongs to
bbox this object bounding box
componentState The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). Undefined
listening if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events 0
rayleighStiffness Rayleigh damping - stiffness matrix coefficient 0
indices indices where the forces are applied
indexFromEnd Concerned DOFs indices are numbered from the end of the MState DOFs vector. (default=false) 0
Force info
forces vector containing the force amplitude applied at each node
totalForce total force for all points, will be distributed uniformly over points
showArrowSize Size of the drawn arrows (0->no arrows, sign->direction of drawing. (default=0) 0
showColor Color for object display (default: [0.2,0.9,0.3,1.0]) 0.2 0.9 0.3 1
Name Description Destination type name
context Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) BaseContext
slaves Sub-objects used internally by this object BaseObject
master nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects BaseObject
mechanicalStates List of mechanical states to which this component is associated BaseMechanicalState
mstate MechanicalState used by this component MechanicalState<Rigid2d>
topology link to the topology container BaseMeshTopology



  • Rigid3d

Target: Sofa.Component.MechanicalLoad

namespace: sofa::component::mechanicalload


  • ForceField


Name Description Default value
name object name unnamed
printLog if true, emits extra messages at runtime. 0
tags list of the subsets the objet belongs to
bbox this object bounding box
componentState The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). Undefined
listening if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events 0
rayleighStiffness Rayleigh damping - stiffness matrix coefficient 0
indices indices where the forces are applied
indexFromEnd Concerned DOFs indices are numbered from the end of the MState DOFs vector. (default=false) 0
Force info
forces vector containing the force amplitude applied at each node
totalForce total force for all points, will be distributed uniformly over points
showArrowSize Size of the drawn arrows (0->no arrows, sign->direction of drawing. (default=0) 0
showColor Color for object display (default: [0.2,0.9,0.3,1.0]) 0.2 0.9 0.3 1
Name Description Destination type name
context Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) BaseContext
slaves Sub-objects used internally by this object BaseObject
master nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects BaseObject
mechanicalStates List of mechanical states to which this component is associated BaseMechanicalState
mstate MechanicalState used by this component MechanicalState<Rigid3d>
topology link to the topology container BaseMeshTopology



  • Vec1d

Target: Sofa.Component.MechanicalLoad

namespace: sofa::component::mechanicalload


  • ForceField


Name Description Default value
name object name unnamed
printLog if true, emits extra messages at runtime. 0
tags list of the subsets the objet belongs to
bbox this object bounding box
componentState The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). Undefined
listening if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events 0
rayleighStiffness Rayleigh damping - stiffness matrix coefficient 0
indices indices where the forces are applied
indexFromEnd Concerned DOFs indices are numbered from the end of the MState DOFs vector. (default=false) 0
Force info
forces vector containing the force amplitude applied at each node
totalForce total force for all points, will be distributed uniformly over points
showArrowSize Size of the drawn arrows (0->no arrows, sign->direction of drawing. (default=0) 0
showColor Color for object display (default: [0.2,0.9,0.3,1.0]) 0.2 0.9 0.3 1
Name Description Destination type name
context Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) BaseContext
slaves Sub-objects used internally by this object BaseObject
master nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects BaseObject
mechanicalStates List of mechanical states to which this component is associated BaseMechanicalState
mstate MechanicalState used by this component MechanicalState<Vec1d>
topology link to the topology container BaseMeshTopology



  • Vec2d

Target: Sofa.Component.MechanicalLoad

namespace: sofa::component::mechanicalload


  • ForceField


Name Description Default value
name object name unnamed
printLog if true, emits extra messages at runtime. 0
tags list of the subsets the objet belongs to
bbox this object bounding box
componentState The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). Undefined
listening if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events 0
rayleighStiffness Rayleigh damping - stiffness matrix coefficient 0
indices indices where the forces are applied
indexFromEnd Concerned DOFs indices are numbered from the end of the MState DOFs vector. (default=false) 0
Force info
forces vector containing the force amplitude applied at each node
totalForce total force for all points, will be distributed uniformly over points
showArrowSize Size of the drawn arrows (0->no arrows, sign->direction of drawing. (default=0) 0
showColor Color for object display (default: [0.2,0.9,0.3,1.0]) 0.2 0.9 0.3 1
Name Description Destination type name
context Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) BaseContext
slaves Sub-objects used internally by this object BaseObject
master nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects BaseObject
mechanicalStates List of mechanical states to which this component is associated BaseMechanicalState
mstate MechanicalState used by this component MechanicalState<Vec2d>
topology link to the topology container BaseMeshTopology



  • Vec3d

Target: Sofa.Component.MechanicalLoad

namespace: sofa::component::mechanicalload


  • ForceField


Name Description Default value
name object name unnamed
printLog if true, emits extra messages at runtime. 0
tags list of the subsets the objet belongs to
bbox this object bounding box
componentState The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). Undefined
listening if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events 0
rayleighStiffness Rayleigh damping - stiffness matrix coefficient 0
indices indices where the forces are applied
indexFromEnd Concerned DOFs indices are numbered from the end of the MState DOFs vector. (default=false) 0
Force info
forces vector containing the force amplitude applied at each node
totalForce total force for all points, will be distributed uniformly over points
showArrowSize Size of the drawn arrows (0->no arrows, sign->direction of drawing. (default=0) 0
showColor Color for object display (default: [0.2,0.9,0.3,1.0]) 0.2 0.9 0.3 1
Name Description Destination type name
context Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) BaseContext
slaves Sub-objects used internally by this object BaseObject
master nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects BaseObject
mechanicalStates List of mechanical states to which this component is associated BaseMechanicalState
mstate MechanicalState used by this component MechanicalState<Vec3d>
topology link to the topology container BaseMeshTopology



  • Vec6d

Target: Sofa.Component.MechanicalLoad

namespace: sofa::component::mechanicalload


  • ForceField


Name Description Default value
name object name unnamed
printLog if true, emits extra messages at runtime. 0
tags list of the subsets the objet belongs to
bbox this object bounding box
componentState The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). Undefined
listening if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events 0
rayleighStiffness Rayleigh damping - stiffness matrix coefficient 0
indices indices where the forces are applied
indexFromEnd Concerned DOFs indices are numbered from the end of the MState DOFs vector. (default=false) 0
Force info
forces vector containing the force amplitude applied at each node
totalForce total force for all points, will be distributed uniformly over points
showArrowSize Size of the drawn arrows (0->no arrows, sign->direction of drawing. (default=0) 0
showColor Color for object display (default: [0.2,0.9,0.3,1.0]) 0.2 0.9 0.3 1
Name Description Destination type name
context Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) BaseContext
slaves Sub-objects used internally by this object BaseObject
master nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects BaseObject
mechanicalStates List of mechanical states to which this component is associated BaseMechanicalState
mstate MechanicalState used by this component MechanicalState<Vec6d>
topology link to the topology container BaseMeshTopology



<Node name="root" dt="0.05" gravity="0 0 0">
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.IO.Mesh"/> <!-- Needed to use components [MeshOBJLoader] -->
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.LinearSolver.Iterative"/> <!-- Needed to use components [CGLinearSolver] -->
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.Mapping.Linear"/> <!-- Needed to use components [IdentityMapping] -->
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.Mapping.NonLinear"/> <!-- Needed to use components [RigidMapping] -->
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.Mass"/> <!-- Needed to use components [UniformMass] -->
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.MechanicalLoad"/> <!-- Needed to use components [ConstantForceField] -->
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.ODESolver.Backward"/> <!-- Needed to use components [EulerImplicitSolver] -->
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.SolidMechanics.FEM.Elastic"/> <!-- Needed to use components [TriangleFEMForceField] -->
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.StateContainer"/> <!-- Needed to use components [MechanicalObject] -->
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.Topology.Container.Constant"/> <!-- Needed to use components [MeshTopology] -->
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.Component.Visual"/> <!-- Needed to use components [InteractiveCamera VisualStyle] -->
    <RequiredPlugin name="Sofa.GL.Component.Rendering3D"/> <!-- Needed to use components [OglModel] -->
    <!-- Constant force for a deformable -->
    <VisualStyle displayFlags="showBehaviorModels showForceFields" />
    <DefaultAnimationLoop computeBoundingBox="false"/>
    <InteractiveCamera position="1.27 0.48 4.5" orientation="0 0 0 1"  distance="3.86" fieldOfView="45"/>

    <Node name="BasicDeformableObject" >
        <EulerImplicitSolver name="cg_odesolver" printLog="false"  rayleighMass="0.1" />
        <CGLinearSolver iterations="25" name="linear solver" tolerance="1.0e-9" threshold="1.0e-9" />
        <MechanicalObject position="0 0 0  1 0 0  1 1 0  0 1 0" velocity="0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0" />
        <UniformMass vertexMass="0.1" />
        <MeshTopology triangles="0 1 2  0 2 3" />
        <!--        <FixedProjectiveConstraint indices="2 3"/>-->
        <TriangleFEMForceField name="FEM0" youngModulus="100" poissonRatio="0.3" method="large" />
        <ConstantForceField indices="0 1 2 3" forces="-1 -1 0  1 -1 0  1 1 0  -1 1 0" showArrowSize="0.5" printLog="1"/>
        <Node name="Visu">
            <OglModel name="Visual" color="red" />
            <IdentityMapping input="@.." output="@Visual" />
    <Node name="TorusRigid">
        <EulerImplicitSolver rayleighStiffness="0.01" />
        <CGLinearSolver iterations="25" threshold="0.00000001" tolerance="1e-5"/>
        <MechanicalObject template="Rigid3" dx="2" dy="0" dz="0" rx="0" ry="0" rz="0" scale="1.0" />
        <UniformMass totalMass="1.0"/>
        <!-- forces for a rigid is composed of two parts translation of the rigid dof [x y z] and a quaternion for the rotation [x y z w] -->
        <ConstantForceField indices="0" forces="0 0.10 0     0 1 0" />
        <Node name="Visu">
            <MeshOBJLoader name="meshLoader_0" filename="mesh/torus.obj" scale="0.3" handleSeams="1" />
            <OglModel name="Visual" src="@meshLoader_0" color="gray" />
            <RigidMapping input="@.." output="@Visual" />
def createScene(root_node):

   root = root_node.addChild('root', dt="0.05", gravity="0 0 0")

   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.IO.Mesh")
   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.LinearSolver.Iterative")
   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.Mapping.Linear")
   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.Mapping.NonLinear")
   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.Mass")
   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.MechanicalLoad")
   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.ODESolver.Backward")
   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.SolidMechanics.FEM.Elastic")
   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.StateContainer")
   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.Topology.Container.Constant")
   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.Component.Visual")
   root.addObject('RequiredPlugin', name="Sofa.GL.Component.Rendering3D")
   root.addObject('VisualStyle', displayFlags="showBehaviorModels showForceFields")
   root.addObject('DefaultAnimationLoop', computeBoundingBox="false")
   root.addObject('InteractiveCamera', position="1.27 0.48 4.5", orientation="0 0 0 1", distance="3.86", fieldOfView="45")

   basic_deformable_object = root.addChild('BasicDeformableObject')

   basic_deformable_object.addObject('EulerImplicitSolver', name="cg_odesolver", printLog="false", rayleighMass="0.1")
   basic_deformable_object.addObject('CGLinearSolver', iterations="25", name="linear solver", tolerance="1.0e-9", threshold="1.0e-9")
   basic_deformable_object.addObject('MechanicalObject', position="0 0 0  1 0 0  1 1 0  0 1 0", velocity="0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0")
   basic_deformable_object.addObject('UniformMass', vertexMass="0.1")
   basic_deformable_object.addObject('MeshTopology', triangles="0 1 2  0 2 3")
   basic_deformable_object.addObject('TriangleFEMForceField', name="FEM0", youngModulus="100", poissonRatio="0.3", method="large")
   basic_deformable_object.addObject('ConstantForceField', indices="0 1 2 3", forces="-1 -1 0  1 -1 0  1 1 0  -1 1 0", showArrowSize="0.5", printLog="1")

   visu = BasicDeformableObject.addChild('Visu')

   visu.addObject('OglModel', name="Visual", color="red")
   visu.addObject('IdentityMapping', input="@..", output="@Visual")

   torus_rigid = root.addChild('TorusRigid')

   torus_rigid.addObject('EulerImplicitSolver', rayleighStiffness="0.01")
   torus_rigid.addObject('CGLinearSolver', iterations="25", threshold="0.00000001", tolerance="1e-5")
   torus_rigid.addObject('MechanicalObject', template="Rigid3", dx="2", dy="0", dz="0", rx="0", ry="0", rz="0", scale="1.0")
   torus_rigid.addObject('UniformMass', totalMass="1.0")
   torus_rigid.addObject('ConstantForceField', indices="0", forces="0 0.10 0     0 1 0")

   visu = TorusRigid.addChild('Visu')

   visu.addObject('MeshOBJLoader', name="meshLoader_0", filename="mesh/torus.obj", scale="0.3", handleSeams="1")
   visu.addObject('OglModel', name="Visual", src="@meshLoader_0", color="gray")
   visu.addObject('RigidMapping', input="@..", output="@Visual")