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Collision model which represents a set of points.



  • Vec3d

Target: Sofa.Component.Collision.Geometry

namespace: sofa::component::collision::geometry


  • CollisionModel


Name Description Default value
name object name unnamed
printLog if true, emits extra messages at runtime. 0
tags list of the subsets the objet belongs to
bbox this object bounding box
componentState The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). Undefined
listening if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events 0
active flag indicating if this collision model is active and should be included in default collision detections 1
moving flag indicating if this object is changing position between iterations 1
simulated flag indicating if this object is controlled by a simulation 1
selfCollision flag indication if the object can self collide 0
proximity Distance to the actual (visual) surface 0
contactStiffness Contact stiffness 10
contactFriction Contact friction coefficient (dry or viscous or unused depending on the contact method) 0
contactRestitution Contact coefficient of restitution 0
contactResponse if set, indicate to the ContactManager that this model should use the given class of contacts. Note that this is only indicative, and in particular if both collision models specify a different class it is up to the manager to choose.
color color used to display the collision model if requested 1 0 0 1
group IDs of the groups containing this model. No collision can occur between collision models included in a common group (e.g. allowing the same object to have multiple collision models)
numberOfContacts Number of collision models this collision model is currently attached to 0
bothSide activate collision on both side of the point model (when surface normals are defined on these points) 0
computeNormals activate computation of normal vectors (required for some collision detection algorithms) 0
displayFreePosition Display Collision Model Points free position(in green) 0
Name Description Destination type name
context Graph Node containing this object (or BaseContext::getDefault() if no graph is used) BaseContext
slaves Sub-objects used internally by this object BaseObject
master nullptr for regular objects, or master object for which this object is one sub-objects BaseObject
previous Previous (coarser / upper / parent level) CollisionModel in the hierarchy. CollisionModel
next Next (finer / lower / child level) CollisionModel in the hierarchy. CollisionModel
collisionElementActiver CollisionElementActiver component that activates or deactivates collision element(s) during execution BaseObject
topology link to the topology container BaseMeshTopology